Marignac-Lasclares is characterised by its territory, which is divided into two geographical areas: the plain and the hillsides. The origin of the name comes from the Gallo-Roman name Marinus and the Old French Las clares, “clear plain”, where no trees grow. A carved stone bearing the coat of arms of the Knights of St John of Jerusalem stands above the doorway of St Martin’s Church. It bears witness to the hospitable origins of the village.
The St-Martory canal was used to irrigate the plains, while vineyards dominated the hillsides in the first half of the 20th century. Much of the commune is wooded. Marignac even has a vast communal wood.
You can’t talk about Marignac-Lasclares without mentioning the game of skittles with a mallet (a skittle is depicted on the commune’s logo). The Marignac-Lasclares club, one of the most active in the region, organised the 1999 French championship of “jeu de quilles de six au maillet”, and players from the club went on to become French champions.