Maquis dans les bois

The woods of the canton became the base ofan important maquis whose leader, Cdt Delattre, was shot dead by the militia. In 1942, André Reboul, an examining magistrate from Muret, formed a group with a few patriots, which in 1944 became the Maquis de Rieumes. In 1943, the group grew stronger and was joined by, among others, Jules Delattre, a retired Air Force captain, who became the Commander of the Rieumes Maquis, and by Rieumois: Doctor Robert Roger (reserve captain doctor), Doctor Charles Chwartz (reserve lieutenant doctor) and Jean Lécussan (retired army chief warrant officer).
The year 1943 was devoted to recruiting, training and organising teams in villages in the cantons of Auterive, Carbonne, Muret and Rieumes. On 9 August 1944, at 3pm, militiamen blocked the Savères road and machine-gunned Major Delattre as he got out of his car. His partisans arrived too late and recovered his remains.