Hiking in

Lescuns / Mondavezan

Bois débouché

Departure : Église de Lescuns

1. From Lescuns church, follow the D10a towards Mondavezan as far as the crossroads (be careful crossing!). Take the track opposite and continue straight ahead for 900m.

2. At the crossroads with the dirt track, turn left and go straight on for about 500 m until you reach the tarmac road (be careful of visibility!). Turn right onto this road and at the 2nd bend, take the Chemin de Chanteloup on the left.

3. At the hangar, take the track on the right and continue straight ahead for 750 m to the crossroads, where you take the tarmac road and continue straight ahead for a further 200 m. At the last crossroads in La Tuilerie, turn right.

4. At the lake junction, cross the Route de Montoussin and take the Chemin de la Rivière opposite. Continue straight on for approximately 1.6 km.

5. At the bridge, turn right at the edge of the field to follow the river to the left, into the heart of the forest. In case of rain or inaccessibility, you can climb up the tarmac road just before.

6. At the end of the road, turn right onto chemin de la Piche, then at the next crossroads, turn left onto chemin de la Louge. Continue straight ahead and at the crossroads (be careful!) take the dirt track opposite to the end for about 1.1 km.

7. At the crossroads (be careful!), turn right and follow the tarmac road known as chemin de la Pointe for 300 m, then turn right and follow the road up to Impasse de la Pointe.

8. Continue straight ahead on the dirt track. At the crossroads, go straight on along chemin de Pergères to the end and at the crossroads, turn left onto chemin de Sainte-Marie.

9. After the bridge, turn right onto chemin de Vivre Ensemble. At the crossroads with the Route de Fousseret, turn left and then take the 1st right onto the Chemin de Berre. Continue straight on for 1.1 km. At the end, turn left into the village of Lescuns.


11.4 Km



Elevation gain

D+ 110m


Loop - Medium

Shared Trail

Horseback riding


Good hiking behavior

  • Période de chasse Septembre à Juin

    Hunting period September to June

  • Respectez le code de la route

    Respectez le code de la route

  • Pensez à votre sécurité : utilisez un équipement adapté

    Pensez à votre sécurité : utilisez un équipement adapté

  • Feux interdits

    No fires

  • Déchêts interdits

    Prohibited waste

  • Cueillette interdite

    Picking prohibited

  • Moteurs thermiques interdits

    Prohibited thermal engines

  • Chiens en laisse

    Keep dogs on leash