Hiking in


Boucle du Rieutord

Departure : In front of the church

1. Turn right onto Chemin des Garouilles, which is tarmacked for 910 m. Continue along the dirt track, then after 250 m turn left onto a private road.

2. Continue along this path for around 700 m until you reach a meadow. Turn left to walk alongside it.

3. A few metres further on, turn left onto the dirt track. Leave the track that joins the road on your right and take the path through the woods on your right. After a few metres, you will find the Rieutord (stream) on your right.

4. After 230 m, take the track on your right to go alongside the Rieutord. Join the road, then turn right. Before the stone bridge, take the dirt track on the left, in the woods.

5. Go straight on until you reach the road, then turn right. A few metres further on, take the dirt track on the left to go alongside the wood. After 200 m, you will enter the wood. Go straight on and walk alongside the Rieutord (stream).

6. For the last few metres, the path climbs until it joins the RD7.

7. Turn left for 1.5 km to pass the cemetery and reach the village. For safety reasons, keep to the side of the road.


6.3 Km



Elevation gain

D+ 100m


Loop - Easy

Shared Trail

Horseback riding


Good hiking behavior

  • Période de chasse Septembre à Juin

    Hunting period September to June

  • Respectez le code de la route

    Respectez le code de la route

  • Pensez à votre sécurité : utilisez un équipement adapté

    Pensez à votre sécurité : utilisez un équipement adapté

  • Feux interdits

    No fires

  • Déchêts interdits

    Prohibited waste

  • Cueillette interdite

    Picking prohibited

  • Moteurs thermiques interdits

    Prohibited thermal engines

  • Chiens en laisse

    Keep dogs on leash