Christine Ferré, a painter and sculptor, will be introducing us to her work for Beaufort. This artist, who has lived in Beaufort for some twenty years, made her art her main activity in 2012 and is now a local councillor. Culture is one of the committees on which she sits.
Knowing of her talents (already visible in a stained glass window she created for the church), the Mayor of Beaufort, Mr Parédé, decided to entrust her with a project to create murals in the heart of the village. He gave Christine carte blanche to give a colourful new look to the town’s key buildings, which are being renovated one after the other. In the courtyard of the old school, you’ll already be able to see a magnificent tree in all its summer luminosity, inspired by the book “Sophie’s World”. If you take a closer look, you’ll see that Christine has added a great deal of subtlety by mixing pages from the novel with the paint, to create an effect of substance and volume.
Another fresco, more visible opposite, evokes a dreamlike, ethereal world, a reminder that Christine draws her inspiration from the imaginary, for stylised figurative art full of positive, communicative energy. However, this fresco project is taking place in the public space, and so it was only natural to involve the villagers. So, when the sun comes out in 2021, Christine will have the pleasure of helping a group of volunteers to create and paint a new fresco on the old pediment next to the church. This attractive joint project will combine Christine’s painting technique with the creative flair of the participants, and will be visible to all in the heart of the village.
In the meantime, Christine continues to work full time as an artist, sharing her world and her technical knowledge through courses at her studio and occasional talks in schools.